Friday, May 21

I held my little girl today.

I read a story about a mother who had lost her daughter to EB and it was probably the saddest thing I've read in awhile. Stuff like that is the reason I can't believe in God, how could someone so great take a child under a year old away from their mother? It's horrible.. that good people have to experience such a loss. I could never imagine losing Maddy, so I held her tight while I cried my eyes out reading the story about her passing...

Last night I also read the story of a rape of 9 month old girl.. how could someone do that? I hope he gets killed in prison.. Sometimes i wonder why this world is so messed up.. it makes me sad and it makes me worry about how I'm going to protect Maddy from all the bad things out there...

Monday, May 17

And we got nothing done.. again.

So DH and I went and picked up almost all the rest of the stuff for our deck [yeah $350 later..] anyways we got the railings, spindles, stairs, and stringers so we could put it all together will his half brother Bill. We come back and unload it then head up to MIL's house to pick up Justin's saw so we can cut the wood and finish up the deck. Anyways we get up there and he's using it to build the garage [the one that burnt down a few months ago] so needless to say we stayed up there and us ladies [Madison, Ashley, Kathy, & I] went down to get stuff for dinner. [which Ashley cooked and was pretty good] We came back and wanted to watch Avatar but the pups had chewed the video, audio cords so we couldn't.. Anyways Madison and the runt puppy got along great!! I had finally gotten over the fact that we weren't going to get another dog then I saw them together and it was just so sweet... now I know how she's stealing Ashley's heart because she was only around me for a few hours and she stole mine [I also noticed Justin holding her a lot so I'm assuming she's stolen his heart too lol]

So when we got home we talked about getting a puppy and finally came back to the conclusion we were at.. a puppy in our small home with a new baby is going to be way too much work for me, especially when I'm getting ready to start a daycare and take in a few more LO's. So our deck never got finished but we got to spend some good ole QT with family. Oh and Ashley and I are going with Kathy this year to see Phil Jordan [sp?] the psychic!! I can not wait lol.

Saturday, May 15

A little about the name.

So I should probably explain the crazy name I have LOL. A song to light the darkest night are lyrics taken from DD's favorite lullaby. It's also the theme song [I believe] to the movie Australia, which happens to be my favorite movie. I was contemplating having the name of the blog be what it is or be The Earth Beneath my Feet [also from the song] or A Reason to Believe [again, from the song] but then I realized that I already had a reason to believe before, then I come across the problem of what I'm believing in. And a song to light the darkest night just mostly felt perfect. DD is my light in the dark and she's my whole world [aside from my wonderful husband] but I figured this blog will mostly be mommy related so why not have the title reflect my wonderful child. And that is how this blog got it's name :)

And here we go..

Well today is officially day one of blogging, and ya know it only took me a couple of hours to get the blog set up, and to get my button made. I was going to go with someone I met off to do my header and button but when I'm pretty simply and crafty myself so when I saw it was possible to do with photobucket I did it myself... although for the hassle of it I probably should have just had her do it. Speaking of it's getting much easier to navigate. I've also given up my addiction to Y!A to be on thebump 24/7 [or as close as you can get to 24/7 with a 3 month old, 2 dogs, a house & yard work to care of, and a husband] Well here we are to end of my first blog, because TBH it took so long to get it all together and what not I'm pretty bored of being on the computer. So I'm going to go tend my Isle on facebook, update my status, check thebump for anything to post about, and check thebumppostsecret to see if any drama is going down :)